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About me
Just someone trying to understand the world and herself. Arts are perfect for that.Occupation: interaction designer
2 votes
A Movie for Each VIA Character Strength
(24 items)Movie list by veve Last updated 11 years ago
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"Hey, thanks for the comment! Yeh, I don't think Jason Segel looks bad, I just think he looks older than he actually is. But I still love him."
"OMG you translated it! That's amazing. You know, I wrote in portuguese mostly because I didn't want many people to understand it lol. Because they're not reviews but just some quick notes so I don't f"
""A woman would have no problem creating a beautiful woman, but what straight man would create men this gorgeous or sexy?" you're so right, girl!"
"Great list. I'm definitely gonna add some items to my want to watch list."
"Thank you for this lists. It looks like a complete one. I was looking for a list like this for a while. I was always very curious about the pre-code movies."
saí, mas por um tempo só. tou com umas coisas pra fazer e o FB me dispersa muito.
eu nunca parei de mexer no listal, mas eu parei de escrever resenhas. rs
gmail dá pra conversar com hotmail? rs
tem facebook?
quanto tempo. rs
tô no segundo periodo ainda. ^^
eu vou ficar na universidade federal fluminense, acho que fica em niteroi
eu sou do ES.